Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Bush Approval Rating at 31%

Can things get much worse for the President of the United States?

Look, if I were George, I wouldn't let that new 31% approval rating get him down.

I mean, come on! There is plenty of time and opportunity for American opinions to hit record rock bottom as the Texan originally planned.
Just consider this:

  • The Republican has lost majority in the U.S. Congress. Time to say goodbye to sensible border control and immigration reform. Amnesty for all awaits.

  • The war in Iraq has degenerated into a full scale civil war, American casualties are mounting, and the military OSTs (Objective, Strategy, Tactics) are seemingly unknown.

  • The U.S. housing market is imploding.

  • 2006 Inflation in the United States remains unchecked - CPI at 202.9.

  • Nuclear proliferation by North Korea and Iran remains unchecked and unconfronted.

  • Gasoline prices just increased by $0.07 per gallon since the Nov. 7th elections (OC, Southern California)

  • Terrorist are gaining strength and attacking NATO in Afghanistan. Women still wearing burkahs.

  • 5 years after September 11, 2001 - Osama Bin Laden is still on the loose.

  • At posting time, the U.S. National Debt has risen to $8,608,413,824,530.00. George, just ask each American citizen to write a $28,700 check and get it over with.

  • At posting time, the September 2006 U.S. Trade Deficit has risen to $64.4 Billion U.S. Dollars.
What's the hurry, George?
You've got until inauguration day January 2009 to make it happen.

Plenty of time, my friend. Plenty of time.

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